It is snowing here, but it isn't quite as nice because one of are chickens went off and made a nest somewhere and didn't get off it when it started getting really cold. We couldn't find her so now we think it is dead. I'm sad. I wish it had gotten off it's stupid nest. Ugh. Anyhow on the upside we are getting around eight to nine eggs a day. We have one really cute broody black Australorp. He just sits on his nest. If you stick your hand under her she will lay down on your hand. It is really cute. By the way. Does anyone actually read this anymore? I know I haven't posted in a while but that was partially because no one was reading it. Or so I though. If anyone is reading this at all then just say "aye" or something. I don't care what. It gets kinda depressing posting to no one.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Hi there. Our chickens are doing really well. (As usual) They continue to be super cute and super curious. They also have been laying between five and seven eggs a day. We have had to put up a light in the coop so that the chickens will lay more eggs. Chickens lay more eggs if they have around twelve hours of light so it you put artificial light inside the coop there should be more eggs. So far I think it is working.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Wow... It's been a long time since I have posted. The chickens are doing VERY well. We get about five to seven eggs a day (No eggs this morning). The days are getting colder and chillier. We have to put a light in the coop so that the chickens think that the days are longer. I have an online class to go to, so I should go. Ciao!
Monday, September 27, 2010
So, exciting news!!! We found all of our missing chickens!!! We had lost two and then we found one and lost it again and then found it again and then found the twelfth missing chicken!!! It was so exciting. She was sitting on 23 eggs! I thought it was pretty insane. Oops! I have to go feed my animals. More later!
So, exciting news!!! We found all of our missing chickens!!! We had lost two and then we found one and lost it again and then found it again and then found the twelfth missing chicken!!! It was so exciting. She was sitting on 23 eggs! I thought it was pretty insane. Oops! I have to go feed my animals. More later!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Hiya! Today it is rainy and cold. We are back to ten chickens. They like to go out somewhere and find a quiet spot and start a nest then sit on the nest for about three weeks. I am hoping that they will stop nesting soon and come back to the nice warm chicken coop. I wonder if it is warmer in the chicken coop that in here. I am pretty cold right now. Hm... Well I should go and some form of school or whatnot. Ciao!
Oh I forgot to tell you all that Wesley is now in Italy! He has started school and is enjoying Viterbo immensely!
And... I have started to name our chickens. At least the four that I own. There is a really cute one that I can tell apart because of her dark colored bottom fuzz. Then I have a buff (Orpington) who has wandered off to go make a nest and a very dominant fluffy footed hobbit. (That's not his actual name. ) and an Australorp who likes to sit on a nest in our coop.
Oh I forgot to tell you all that Wesley is now in Italy! He has started school and is enjoying Viterbo immensely!
And... I have started to name our chickens. At least the four that I own. There is a really cute one that I can tell apart because of her dark colored bottom fuzz. Then I have a buff (Orpington) who has wandered off to go make a nest and a very dominant fluffy footed hobbit. (That's not his actual name. ) and an Australorp who likes to sit on a nest in our coop.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
WE FOUND ONE OF OUR CHICKENS!!!!!!!!!!!! It had been missing for a little while. It was sitting on SIXTEEN eggs! I can't believe we found her! When they counted the eggs under her she got annoyed and rustled up her feathers then she sat back down on her eggs and started pushing them all under her. It sounded so cute!!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Hello! The chickens are doing great in all the hot weather. They like to hide in the bushes on either the side of the house of down near the end of our yard. It is super cute. The eggs are getting bigger and more plentiful. Right now Molly is going to check on them because they are being REALLY noisy. Like I said earlier it is swelteringly hot over here. (oops I don't think swelteringly is a word! Oh well) Tonight my family and I are going to see the play A Mid Summer Nights Dream. It is at six thirty at East side park. WESLEY IS LEAVING FOR ITALY ON WEDNESDAY!!!!!! That is so weird! I am going to miss him a ton this semester.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Hi all!!!! Sorry I haven't posted in a LONG time! I have been on vacation. I had a great time but now I am back and back to my blog! The chickens are still laying. I think we got two or three yesterday, I haven't checked today though. The chickens have been roaming around the yard for a couple days, they seem to like it. The Buff Orpingtons and the most curious. They like to wander up around the house and we have to herd them back down a little! Well I need to go feed the dog, check on the chickens and get ready for church!! Have a great day!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Hello! Sorry I haven't posted in a while! We have had company over and we were busy playing and making a movie. WE HAD OUR FIRST EGG!!!! I think we have around five now. We have been checking every day. The chickens are still roaming. They are getting a lot more adventurous. The chickens all ways wander back to the coop. They usually get in but some are stuck on the outside. We have to help those back in. We usually just pick them up and put them over the fence. Well I need to go now! My mom wants the computer. :P
Monday, July 19, 2010
Hey guys! Okay, on Saturday we let the chickens go free range! It was so cute! They wandered up toward the house and it looked like they had just escaped from prison, they all kind of looked around and then sprinted across the yard! We will have to modify the coop a little so that the chickens can get back in. They were able to, they just went the wrong way. I know that sounds confusing but I can't explain it any better. :P I think we are going to work on it soon. But I don't know the exact time and date. We're hoping for an egg any day!!!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Hey there! Sorry I haven't been posting for a while! It has been so hot over here, I have been sitting in our basement a ton these days! The chickens are huge and my dad keeps saying that we will let them be free range tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow. ARGH! I want to let them go free range! :) Well I think I am going to go sit in the basement now. Ugh. To... hot... to... write... on.... blog..........
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Yesterday we gave five of our chickens away. We are down to twelve. We were going to let the chickens be free range but my dad had to modify something on the coop/run so we didn't get to let them out. They do have a small area in the back of the coop that they run around in but we are going to give them the whole out doors hopefully soon!
Friday, June 25, 2010
The chickens are doing well. They have been eating most of the scraps that I bring them in the morning. They seem to enjoy the hot weather. Today we (My Dad, Molly, and I) are going to lay some bricks for a friend of ours. It will be hard work but we are well paid with doughnuts and pop. I enjoy working with my family, it's pretty fun all around. It is nice and sunny over here! Molly is taking some swim lessons and so am I. I am taking a "Junior Lifeguard" class that is really grueling. Yesterday I had to swim fourteen laps or (28 lengths) I have the day off today, other than laying bricks.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
So today is Sunday and I am now fifteen! Isn't that crazy? I can't believe I am actually fifteen. In three more years I will be in College! Oh wow... That is a weird thought. I will be checking the chickens in a little. They don't seem to like the rain much. We are going to let them free range as soon as my dad can figure out a way to get them up closer to the house.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Hey all! The chickens are doing great! They have all started to roost and are getting big. I hope the first egg will be here soon. Oh... just a quick thought, does anyone actually read my blog? I mean it can get depressing when you go on and it looks as it no one has even read my blog for the past couple months except for some totally random person. If you read this in the next day you should comment and if you do read it often say aye! If not, don't say anything.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Well its a new month! The grass and the chicks are growing. They have gotten so inquisitive and curious! They like to investigate and see whatever is edible in their run! They have started to roost. We should be getting eggs in about a month. It is cold and rainy over here! BRRRR!!!! I will post more on another day.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Hiya guys! Sorry I haven't been on in a while! I have just been being lazy... :) The chickens are REALLY REALLY REALLY big! They have started to roost where their supposed to. Finally. WE are expecting eggs in about a month. I takes them a while to start laying. The Buff Orpingtons are so friendly! They usually are the first to come up to you! It is really gray and rainy over here. It is kind of depressing. But I like to read on a day like this so I'm all set! I will post more on another day!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Hey guys! Sorry I haven't written anything for awhile! I got sick, then the weather turned really nice and I have been busy with school. Yeah, I know, that's a pretty lame excuse! :) The chicks are doing well. I think I should probably start calling them chickens cause they are no longer chicks. They are getting REALLY big and are starting to warm up to us. We have been feeding them table scraps and they seem to LOVE corn. They don't like lettuce though. And seeing as I don't like it either - I can't blame them!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Hi all! The chicken coop is finished!! Finally! The chicks have been outside numerous times and are really enjoying it! It is sunny today so the chicks will go out. They are getting quite big and have most of their adult feathers. They have gotten very used to us and don't seem to mind very much when we pick them up. To all the people who are considering getting chickens I would encourage you to go for it. They are a ton of fun and they are really neat to have around.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Well the goslings hatched! They are super cute! The chicks have been out side again. They really like it. I believe that they are getting more used to us. Did you know that they absolutely LOVE worms? They will chase each other around and try and steal the worm. It is so funny and cute! It is a little bit cloud here. I hope it warms up soon! Well I just thought I would give you a little up date!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Hi there! Yesterday we put the chicks outside!! They LOVED it. They were all running around pecking at anything they saw. My dad found a worm and gave it to the chicks. They were all running around trying to get the worm. It was hilarious! The goose is still laying on her eggs and it is another glorious day in Moscow ID.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Hi Everyone! Right now we are just waiting for the chicks to get big enough to start laying eggs. They have gotten used to us and they are not as scared as they used to be. I think this weekend my Dad will be building the run for the chicks so that they can run around outside. Yesterday my sister Molly and I tried out for the play "A Mid Summer Nights Dream" I hope I get in! If I do get in I hope I can get the part of Puck the mischievous fairy. We (my sister and I) have a dance recital coming up on May 1st!!! I am so excited! It is going to be the best recital ever! We just had some friends visit from Bonners Fairy. They came up to watch the play "You Can't Take it With You." Both of my brothers were in it and they both did a fabulous job. The play was a huge hit. I think everybody loved it! It is a GORGEOUS day out side. It is sunny and nice! Ah... I love it! The goose is still in the box sitting on her eggs. I can't wait until they hatch!!! There have been some really cute rabbits running around our yard. I think they are enjoying the nice weather as much as we are! Well I hope you all have a wonderful week!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The chicks are doing well. I think they have adjuster to their new home. I went out today and sat with them for a little while. Molly (my sister) and I like to stick a bit of food on our shoes so that the chicks will peck at it. It is so much fun to watch them getting bigger. I am really happy that we decided to get chicks. They haven't started to lay eggs yet and I don't think they will for a while. Once we get their run done it will be fun to see them running around in it. There are some chicks that we own that Molly and I find simply ADORABLE! They are black and white and they have big feathers covering their feet. Molly and I call them the fluffy feet chicks. :)
Monday, April 5, 2010
The chicks look so adorable in the coop. They have grown a ton! I can't believe how big they are getting. I put one of them up on the roosts and she sat their as if she was thinking about something then she hopped onto my leg walked down it to my knee and then jumped of. It was hilarious. We have almost finished our deck. We wont get any work done to day because it is SNOWING.... Argh... I want summer. Oh well...
Saturday, April 3, 2010
The chicks are in the coop! Yay! We sold seven of them so far, and we are going to sell five more. They all seem to be happy in their new coop. We put some cardboard in it so that it wouldn't be so cold, and the chicks have been trying to perch on it. We have a Canada goose nesting in our goose box. We think she has laid her eggs. I can't wait for them to hatch! It is frosty and cold here in Moscow ID, but the sun is shining!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
The coop is almost finished and we have started the run. The chicks are huge! They are really starting to turning color now. I haven't picked out my four yet but I will soon. I plan on getting my dad to post some more pictures. The weather here is fantastic! If the chicks were out side they would love it! It is sunny with not a cloud in the sky! GO SUMMER!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
We have almost finished the coop! The roof is on and we only need a few more things to finish it. One day when I was playing with the chicks and I had my hand in the brooder and the chicks were around it, when a big Buff Orpington walks up and puts one of his feet on another chicks head. The Buff then pushes his foot back and sends the other chick sliding back. IT WAS SO FUNNY!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Hey guys! The chicks are in the really ugly stage. They are starting to become teenagers!!!! :) They are getting their wings in and losing all of their fluff. They have taken to running around and flying. They can get pretty far off the ground. We have almost completed the coop. The coop is amazing! Molly and I want it for a play house. Well I got to go eat breakfast!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
ARGH! I keep forgetting to put pictures on. I will have my dad do it tonight. I know I keep saying that but this time I WILL remember. The chicks are getting bigger. They have take to running around their coop and trying to fly. It is soooo funny. They are big and fluffy. They like to dig around in corners and are very inquisitive.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
WE GOT OUR CHICKS!!!! WE got a call at around 5:45 this morning from the post office and they said that our chicks were in! We (Molly, my Dad and I) all went to the post office and picked them up. When we got back home we took them out of the box and introduced them to their new home! Molly and I have been hovering over the coop all day. There are ten yellow Buff Orpingtons, and five Light Bramens, five Black Speckled Wyandottes and five Black Australorps. There might actually be one extra of the four I listed because they sent us an extra one. I will post pictures of them soon!
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Hey guys! I just wanted you to know that I could use your prayers tomorrow. I am getting a filling though it isn't my fault. When the tooth was in my jaw it didn't form correctly. So now that it is in my mouth it is decaying. Since I had four teeth pulled I have been freaked out about needles in my mouth and having a filling involves a needle! So please pray for me. My dentist appointment is at 9:10 tomorrow morning. Thanks!
Okay, okay, here is a little bit of information about myself. I am 14 and will be 15 on June 20th. I have short light brownish hair brown eyes and am around 5 foot something. I am almost a black belt in karate (one test away!) I LOVE to read, do puzzles, run around outside, draw and swim plus many other things. On the weekend my dad, sister and I all tore up our deck. We are going to replace the deck but before we did we had to get rid of the old one!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Well I am still waiting for the chickens. My dad said that they won't arrive until maybe Monday or Tuesday. ARGH! I can't wait! We bought the feeder and the water containers on Saturday and we ordered the feed from the same place that we bought the chickens. Have you ever said Buff Orpington or Australorp. I love saying those words! They are just really fun to say! It is a clear day here in Moscow ID.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Hey there! This is Allison and it is day one of my blog! We (My family and I) have just bought 25 chickens. There are four different kinds that we bought and are going to raise them for the eggs. I am allowed to have 4 of them to take care of and keep. I have already picked out the names for them. My Buff Orpington is going to be called Pumpkin, my Black Australorp is going to be called Macabee, my Light Brahma is going to be called Stella and my Silver Laced Wyandotte is going to be called Lucie. I will be posting daily when the chicks arrive. So far I am just letting you know that I have a blog and that it is about CHICKENS!!! YAY! If you can't already tell I am REALLY excited to get the chicks! :)
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