Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't written anything for awhile! I got sick, then the weather turned really nice and I have been busy with school. Yeah, I know, that's a pretty lame excuse! :) The chicks are doing well. I think I should probably start calling them chickens cause they are no longer chicks. They are getting REALLY big and are starting to warm up to us. We have been feeding them table scraps and they seem to LOVE corn. They don't like lettuce though. And seeing as I don't like it either - I can't blame them!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Holly Short.. I have found that lettuce is edible if you put enough really good salad dressing on it. Or.. maybe sprinkle it with a little sugar.. sugar makes everything good!! :) but.. uhh.. don't recommend that for chicken food.. just human food!! :)

    Continue to thoroughly enjoy your blog..

    xo a.p.
