Saturday, July 3, 2010

Okay, okay I know the first one isn't of our chickens but it is just so darn cute! She is my bunny, Holly. As you can see our chickens have gotten a whole lot bigger!


  1. Congratulations on the posting of pictures.. Wow!! I am soo impressed with your entire blog.. you are awesome.

    The chickens are sooo cute.. the part of the coop I can see looks really nice..

    I have totally, thoroughly, completely, enjoyed reading your blog.. Have I told you lately how awesomely talented I think you are.

    love you a ton of tons.. xo a.p.

  2. Good morning, I've been checking your blog to see if there's been any new postings. I have totally figured out how to leave comments.. as I've read through your blog since it's beginning. hmm.. have I told you how entertaining it is.

    I know you are swamped with enjoying your summer.. I love summers.. well.. if it would quit raining here I would love it more! I hope you are enjoying beautiful, warm, sunny, hot but not too hot weather. Hope you are doing tons of fun stuff.

    Looking forward to hearing about the egg gathering.. hope it's soon!!!

    love you very much.. xo a.p.
