Monday, February 22, 2010

Well I am still waiting for the chickens. My dad said that they won't arrive until maybe Monday or Tuesday. ARGH! I can't wait! We bought the feeder and the water containers on Saturday and we ordered the feed from the same place that we bought the chickens. Have you ever said Buff Orpington or Australorp. I love saying those words! They are just really fun to say! It is a clear day here in Moscow ID.


  1. WEll...I've never liked chickens...but maybe that's because they've all been stupid. Chickens living with the O'Bryans, may not be the same. They'll know Greek by the time you're done!

  2. Haha, I agree with "Tibs." I suppose you are going to read Ivanhoe to them too, right Allison? =) Chickens are GENERALLY stupid, yes. Believe me, we have them. Nicole

    P.S. Allison, patience is a virtue, find it if you can! ;)
