Friday, July 23, 2010

Hello! Sorry I haven't posted in a while! We have had company over and we were busy playing and making a movie. WE HAD OUR FIRST EGG!!!! I think we have around five now. We have been checking every day. The chickens are still roaming. They are getting a lot more adventurous. The chickens all ways wander back to the coop. They usually get in but some are stuck on the outside. We have to help those back in. We usually just pick them up and put them over the fence. Well I need to go now! My mom wants the computer. :P

Monday, July 19, 2010

Hey guys! Okay, on Saturday we let the chickens go free range! It was so cute! They wandered up toward the house and it looked like they had just escaped from prison, they all kind of looked around and then sprinted across the yard! We will have to modify the coop a little so that the chickens can get back in. They were able to, they just went the wrong way. I know that sounds confusing but I can't explain it any better. :P I think we are going to work on it soon. But I don't know the exact time and date. We're hoping for an egg any day!!!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hey there! Sorry I haven't been posting for a while! It has been so hot over here, I have been sitting in our basement a ton these days! The chickens are huge and my dad keeps saying that we will let them be free range tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow. ARGH! I want to let them go free range! :) Well I think I am going to go sit in the basement now. Ugh. To... hot... to... write... on.... blog..........

Sunday, July 4, 2010

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Okay, okay I know the first one isn't of our chickens but it is just so darn cute! She is my bunny, Holly. As you can see our chickens have gotten a whole lot bigger!

A couple days ago my Dad enlarged the chicken run. It is really big now and there is a lot of new grass the chickens can eat. Oh wow! I just figured out how to post pictures. I will do some on my next post. The chicks should be laying eggs soon! I am super excited!