Monday, November 22, 2010

It is snowing here, but it isn't quite as nice because one of are chickens went off and made a nest somewhere and didn't get off it when it started getting really cold. We couldn't find her so now we think it is dead. I'm sad. I wish it had gotten off it's stupid nest. Ugh. Anyhow on the upside we are getting around eight to nine eggs a day. We have one really cute broody black Australorp. He just sits on his nest. If you stick your hand under her she will lay down on your hand. It is really cute. By the way. Does anyone actually read this anymore? I know I haven't posted in a while but that was partially because no one was reading it. Or so I though. If anyone is reading this at all then just say "aye" or something. I don't care what. It gets kinda depressing posting to no one.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Hi there. Our chickens are doing really well. (As usual) They continue to be super cute and super curious. They also have been laying between five and seven eggs a day. We have had to put up a light in the coop so that the chickens will lay more eggs. Chickens lay more eggs if they have around twelve hours of light so it you put artificial light inside the coop there should be more eggs. So far I think it is working.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Wow... It's been a long time since I have posted. The chickens are doing VERY well. We get about five to seven eggs a day (No eggs this morning). The days are getting colder and chillier. We have to put a light in the coop so that the chickens think that the days are longer. I have an online class to go to, so I should go. Ciao!

Monday, September 27, 2010


So, exciting news!!! We found all of our missing chickens!!! We had lost two and then we found one and lost it again and then found it again and then found the twelfth missing chicken!!! It was so exciting. She was sitting on 23 eggs! I thought it was pretty insane. Oops! I have to go feed my animals. More later!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hiya! Today it is rainy and cold. We are back to ten chickens. They like to go out somewhere and find a quiet spot and start a nest then sit on the nest for about three weeks. I am hoping that they will stop nesting soon and come back to the nice warm chicken coop. I wonder if it is warmer in the chicken coop that in here. I am pretty cold right now. Hm... Well I should go and some form of school or whatnot. Ciao!

Oh I forgot to tell you all that Wesley is now in Italy! He has started school and is enjoying Viterbo immensely!

And... I have started to name our chickens. At least the four that I own. There is a really cute one that I can tell apart because of her dark colored bottom fuzz. Then I have a buff (Orpington) who has wandered off to go make a nest and a very dominant fluffy footed hobbit. (That's not his actual name. ) and an Australorp who likes to sit on a nest in our coop.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Hrow. Last night my dad went to close the chickens into their coop and when he counted them we only had ten... We believe that the same chicken that was brooding on her eggs decided to go brood on some more. Silly chicken. The weather is very dreary and cold. ugh.... I miss Wesley.

Friday, September 3, 2010

WE FOUND ONE OF OUR CHICKENS!!!!!!!!!!!! It had been missing for a little while. It was sitting on SIXTEEN eggs! I can't believe we found her! When they counted the eggs under her she got annoyed and rustled up her feathers then she sat back down on her eggs and started pushing them all under her. It sounded so cute!!